
Kamis, 18 Oktober 2012

The Example of Passive Voice Sentences

A. S + Is/Am/Are/Was/Were + V3

1. Dia ditangkap oleh polisi
    He is arrested by police
2. Saya dihukum penjara dua tahun oleh hakim
    I am punished two year in jail by judge
3. Johan dan Andre dikeluarkan dari penjara oleh pengacaranya
    Jhon and Andre are come out from the jail by their lawyer
4. Keputusan diambil oleh hakim
    The decision was taken over by judge
5. Teroris ditangkap oleh polisi
    Teroris were caught by police

B. S + Is/Am/Are/Was/Were + Being + V3
1. Kasus ini sedang ditutup oleh hakim
    This case is being closed by judge
2. Saya sedang dihadirkan sebagai saksi oleh jaksa
    I am being presented as witness by proceitor
3. Masalah-masalah hukum sedang dikonsultasikan oleh ahlinya
    Problems of law are being consulted by their expert
4. Proklamasi kemerdekaan sedang diumumkan oleh soekarno-Hatta a long time ago
    Proclamation of independence was being declared by Soekarno- Hatta
5. Kasus-kasus dipengadilan diajukan oleh jaksa
    The cases in the court were taken over by procescutor

C. S + Shall/Will/Can/May/Must + Be + V3
(S + Should/Would/Could/Might/Must + Be + V3)

1. Keputusan pengadilan akan dikonsultasikan oleh penasehat hukum
    The court decision shall be consulted by lawyer
2. Pembuat onar akan ditangkap oleh polisi
    The trouble maker will be arrested by police
3. Fakta baru dalam kasus persidangan dapat diajukan oleh pengacara
    The new fact of case in the court could be improved by lawyer
4. Kasus Bank Century mungkin ditutup oleh polisi
    Century Bank cases might be closed by police
5. Peraturan harus ditegakan oleh masyarakat
    The rule must be built by society

D. S + Have/Has/Had + Been + V3

1. Dia telah diputuskan masuk penjara oleh hakim selama dua bulan
    She has been decided come in the jail for two month
2. Mereka telah diarahkan untuk mencari keadilan dipengadilan oleh mahasiswa
    They have been directed to look for justice in the court by the student
3. Pemilihan Umum anggota Dewan Perwakilan Rakyat telah diselenggarakan oleh Komisi Pemilihan Umum
    General Election for House of Representative had been carried out by Comission for General Election

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